Trap Parties Safety Policy

By using our services you agree to this Safety Policy


Our Entertainment Service Agency provides high-quality entertainment services to clients in Las Vegas. To ensure the safety and well-being of our clients and employees, we have established a comprehensive safety policy that includes the deployment of a security guard at each private location involving show babes. We have a trained and licensed security guard on-site at all times to maintain order and ensure the safety of everyone involved.

This policy applies to all private location events in Las Vegas that require the presence of a security guard and involve the performance of show babes.

The following are the responsibilities of all parties involved in our entertainment services:

a. The client is responsible for ensuring the safety of all attendees at the event and for following all safety guidelines outlined in this policy.

Party Babes:
a. Show Babes are responsible for ensuring their own safety during the performance and for following all safety guidelines outlined in this policy.

Security Guard:
a. The security guard is responsible for ensuring the safety of all attendees, performers, and staff at the event. The security guard will be present at the event from the time the performers arrive until the event is over.
b. The guard must also have the ability to communicate effectively and provide clear instructions to clients and performers in emergency situations.
c. The guard must enforce the agency's policy of no physical or verbal harassment of the performers and must take action to address ny inappropriate behavior by clients.

Entertainment Service Agency:
a. The entertainment service agency is responsible for providing a security guard for each event involving show babes and for ensuring that all safety guidelines outlined in this policy are followed.

Safety Guidelines:

Security Guard:
a. A security guard must be present at all private location events involving the performance of show babes.
b. The security guard must be licensed and trained in security services and must possess a valid security guard certification
c. The consumption of alcohol and drugs is strictly prohibited for guards during the event.
d. Any guard found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be escorted from the event.

a. Performers must be at least 21 years of age and have a valid government-issued ID.
b. Performers must be in good health and free from any communicable diseases.
c. Performers must follow all safety guidelines outlined in this policy.

a. Clients must be at least 21 years of age and have a valid government-issued ID.
b. Clients must be in good health and free from any communicable diseases.
c. Clients must follow all safety guidelines outlined in this policy.

Physical Contact:
a. Physical contact between attendees and performers is strictly upon the consent of the performers
b. Any client or attendee found to be harassing a performer with physical contact will result in termination of the event and use of our services.

Emergency Procedures:
a. In the event of an emergency, the security guard will contact the appropriate authorities and follow established emergency procedures.
b. Performers must follow the instructions of the security guard in the event of an emergency.
c. In case of an emergency, all employees are trained to report the incident to the security guard immediately.

Security Measures:

Self Employed Training:
All self-employed service providers , including party babes, Understand our safety policies and procedures. This includes identifying and reporting potential safety hazards, emergency procedures, and self-defense techniques.

Background Checks: All service providers, including party babes, undergo comprehensive background checks before being hired to ensure the safety of clients.

Client Screening: All clients are screened before being admitted to the premises to ensure their conduct does not pose a threat to the safety of our employees or other clients.

Monitoring: Private premises will be monitored by a network of security and alarm systems to provide additional security and deter any potential safety hazards.

Evacuation: In case of an emergency, our employees and clients are trained on evacuation procedures to ensure everyone can leave the premises safely.

First Aid: Our security guard is trained in first aid and equipped with a first-aid kit in case of any medical emergencies.

Legal Age Requirements: 

At Trap Parties, we are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for all of our guests.

As such, we have implemented a policy that only allows employment and service to individuals who are 21 years of age or older.

This policy is strictly enforced, and all guests will be required to present valid government-issued identification that confirms their age before being granted service to our events or venues.

Our commitment to this policy is based on several factors, including legal requirements, safety concerns, and our desire to provide an environment that is appropriate for adult entertainment.

We understand that some guests may be disappointed if they are turned away due to this policy, but we believe it is in the best interest of all our guests to maintain a consistent age limit.

We encourage our guests to plan accordingly and make sure they have the appropriate identification to ensure they can enjoy our events to the fullest.

We reserve the right to refuse entry and/or service to anyone who cannot provide sufficient identification, or who appears to be under the age of 21.

We also reserve the right to withdraw ourselves and/or any guest from our events or venues who violates our policies or creates a disturbance that could jeopardize the safety or enjoyment of other guests.
Thank you for choosing Trap Parties for your entertainment needs, and we look forward to providing you with an unforgettable experience.

Trap Parties Entertainment is committed to providing safe and secure environment for our clients, performers and staff. We take the safety of everyone involved in our entertainment services very seriously and will take all neccessary steps to ensure the safety of all attendees.