Trap Parties No Refund Policy

By using our services you agree to this No Refund Policy
Last Updated: Feb 2, 2023

This is a private entertainment service company based in Las Vegas and the goal is to provide clients with the best entertainment experience possible.
However, due to the nature of these services, we are unable to offer refunds for any services that have been rendered.
Once a client has made a reservation and the event has taken place, no refunds will be issued.
We strongly recommend that all clients thoroughly review their reservation details before confirming and paying for their services.
In the case of an event cancellation, we will make every effort to reschedule the event.
If rescheduling is not possible, a credit may be issued towards a future event.
Please note that inclement weather, acts of nature, or other unforeseen circumstances do not warrant a refund.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in following our no refund policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [702-608-1498 or].